Study & Analysis of Convergent Divergent Nozzle


Convergent Divergent nozzles are used for high velocity applications where supersonic flows are desired. With the increasing demand for fuels it has become imperative to extract as much performance as possible from these devices with the existing technology. Convergent Divergent nozzles have been used in aircrafts for thrust generation, in combustion applications for efficient mixing and combustion of fuels etc. However supersonic flow raises a few problems like the generation of shock waves in the flow domain which result in loss of thrust. This effect is a major concern in rocket applications. Since the atmospheric pressure changes with altitude the Convergent Divergent nozzle cannot always work at its design conditions. Hence during lift off the rockets are generally overexpanded and shocks are present in the Convergent Divergent nozzle. These shocks can be influenced by introduction of swirling flows at the inlet. Swirling flows introduce an additional tangential velocity to the flow. Swirling flows are known to increase the central axial velocity in the Convergent Divergent nozzle and in turn improve the thrust obtained up to a certain extent.



A nozzle is a device designed specially with a primary motive to change the flow characteristics such as velocity and pressure. In 1890, Carl Gustaf Patrik de Laval developed a first convergent-divergent (CD) nozzle which has the ability to increase a steam jet to a supersonic state. This nozzle is known as a de-Laval nozzle and later it was used for rocket propulsion. An American engineer Robert Goddard was the first to integrate a de-Laval nozzle with a combustion chamber which increases the rocket efficiency and attaining the subsonic and supersonic velocities and the gas flow through a de- level nozzle is isentropic (less friction and less heat dissipation).

Nozzle is basically used to convert pressure energy to kinetic energy the flow in a nozzle is very rapid.

The major effect of Mach number and nozzle pressure ratio (NPR) on mass flow rate maximum pressure and maximum velocity and on maximum force are studied using fluent analysis.

Nozzles are widely used in some types of steam turbines and rocket engine nozzles. It also sees use in supersonic jet engines.

Similar flow properties have been applied to jet streams within astrophysics.




The main objective of this project is to analyse how the introduction of swirl at the inlet in a CD nozzle affect the shocks formed during an overexpanded flow.

The effect on shock is further studied on how it affects the performance of the CD nozzle and the change in thrust obtained for a range of swirl number representing different strengths of swirling flows.

The study also aims at analysing the Mach number changes in a completely expanded flow with the variation of swirl number.



  1. Convergent nozzle :It is a smoothly varying cross- sectional area duct which is used for accelerating a steadily flowing fluid. As a fluid enters the smaller cross-section, it has to speed up due to the conservation of mass. To maintain a constant amount of fluid moving through the restricted portion of the nozzle, the fluid must move faster.
  2. Convergent–divergent nozzle :This type of nozzle is a modification of the convergent type where is  a divergent section which acts as an accelerator for supersonic flow. It is used to accelerate a compressible fluid to supersonic speeds in the axial (thrust) direction, by converting the thermal energy of the flow into kinetic energy.
  3. Steam nozzle :The steam nozzle is a passage of varying cross-section by means of which a part of the enthalpy of steam is converted into kinetic energy as the steam expands from a higher pressure to a lower pressure.
  4. Flow nozzle :The flow nozzle is generally used for measuring the flow of steam as well as non-viscous, erosive and high-velocity media. It can be used in a wide variety of applications that include steam, air, water, vapour, gas, chemical substances and high temperatures.



During pre–processing

        The geometry (physical bonds) of the problem is defined.

        The volume occupied by the fluid is divided into discrete cells (the mesh) the mesh may be uniform or non-uniform.

        The physical modelling is defined for example – the equation of motion ,radiation ,species conservation.

        Boundary conditions are defined this involves specifying the fluid Behaviour  and   properties  at the boundaries of the problem the initial condition are also defined.

Ø  The simulation is start and the equation are solved iteratively as a steady – state or transient.

Ø  Finally a postprocessor is used for the analysis and visualization of the resulting solution.


Procedure of working methodology

        Modelling of nozzle geometry

        Surface split the nozzle

        Meshing and their controlling operation

        Boundering condition defined

        Contour and X-plots



        The geometry branch contains the part that makes up the model . In mechanical there are three type of bodies which can be analyzed .

        Solid bodies are 3D or 2D volume or area.

        Surface bodies are only areas.

        Lines bodies only curves.


Convergent –divergent nozzle physically distinguished by it area ratio ,the ratio of exit area and throat area . Flow condition determine by operating pressure if the speed of gas is much lesser than the speed of sound of gas is much lesser than the speed of sound . The density remains constant and the velocity of the flow will be increase.




When nozzles were invented, their purpose was primarily to change the characteristic of the flow such as an increase in pressure or velocity. In 1890 Swedish engineer and inventor Karl Gustaf Patrik de Laval developed a convergent-divergent nozzle that had the capacity to increase a steam jet to a supersonic state. This nozzle was termed as de Laval nozzle and later was used for rocket propulsion.

An American engineer Robert Goddard would be the first to integrate a de Laval nozzle in connection with a combustion chamber, increasing efficiency and achieving supersonic velocities in the region of Mach 7.



Design 1

Design 2

